#TheNewColossus: A Public Disservice Announcement – #WhiteGenocide

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It’s hard not to take what @timjacobwise and @UnFairCampaign did at @UMDBulldogs in 2012 extra personally. From the anti-Eurpoid White billboards littering the Duluth roadside to the educational forums they held to ‘Encourage a Discussion On Race’ to the 30-second promo video. They filmed, cut, promoted and funded all of this nonsense right in my own back yard.

Sometimes it can be hard to see exactly what a promotion or text is attempting to achieve. “What’s the message? All the glitz and glamour; the politically correct pomp and circumstance; it’s making it hard to decipher.”

Videos and campaigns such as UMD and the Unfair Campaign’s PSA (public service announcement) are truly nothing more than a PDA (Public Disservice Announcement), a welcome mat – if you will – for every non-white and ONLY non-whites to move into a given target area. What normal white person would view that PSA and say, “Golly Gee, Duluth sounds like a great place to raise a family?” No more white children, not for Duluth. No, siree Bob. That will be the new net outcome.

But, non-whites? Now, that’s a different story. Non-Whites simply drool over this brand of social-engineering. This represents an opportunity for them to knock down some big bucks while they attempt to paint our children right out of the picture. However, the silence was heard. The message is clear, “Duluth is Ready for FORCED, massive non-Europid white immigration.”

The New Colossus (the anti-White establishment) quietly whispers, “Give me your tired, your poor… Just so long as they increase diversity.”

From America to Europe and South Africa, they are trying to REPLACE our children, our posterity.

“Diverse” means formerly White.

That IS a genocide of Europid Whites.

“Humane Transfer” – The #genocide of Germanics

The European genocide you never hear about

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From 1945 to 1950 Europe played host to the largest example of forced-migration and perhaps, until now, the single greatest transfer of an ethnic group in human history. Right after the second massive ‘brothers war’ the weakest generation “won” against the Axis Powers. What’s that you say…..? You don’t remember that tidbit of history? To the victors go the spoils. A spoil of war is the rite to write and rewrite History.

Irrespective of who’s history it might be, somewhere in the neighborhood of 14 million ethnic Germans were forcibly transferred by rail car from their birthplaces in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, and what are today the western districts of Poland. These birthplaces were formerly held as integral parts of Prussia proper, otherwise known as the Germanic empire. And more than 2.2 million Germans perished during this singular “transfer event.”

Ring any bells yet? No? Don’t be alarmed. You were never taught that by Mommy Professor in Re-education & Denazification 1101. It isn’t in the Holy Church of Political Correctness’ bible; the thing he periodically edits to hell and back; the thing he calls an “History Curriculum”.

It is during this same period in History that a new term was coined to frame the obvious program carried out in every German country and only against Germans. “Humane transfer” is an anti-White propaganda term invented and devised to veil the genocide perpetrated against “Evil Germans”, the out-group. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to discover forced-repatriation is only sanctioned as “acceptable and justified” and presented and received as a palatable proposition when the target population is Europid White.

Now, take the aforementioned Humane Transfer and combine it with the recently recorded firebombing of more than 500,000 Germanic noncombatants in Dresden on February 14, 1945. The Allies effectively succeeded in doing to Germans what Jews claim the Germans wanted to do to them. Re-read and think about that bit for a minute. Regardless of what we decide to call it, this European genocide has been conveniently memory-holed for the masses. It has been decided our collective, selective memory – that little thing we call History – simply cannot bear its repeating. It is “verboten” as many people now jokingly quip out of the side of their mouths. In fact, it is dangerously illegal to question the anti-White party line in many European countries. “Hilarious.”

Where have we seen and heard this anti-White propaganda before? “Diversity is our greatest Strength”? “Multicultural societies are Strong & Successful.” Such and such a community has a Diversity Problem, i.e. they have too many Whites. “White Privilege is a Problem that must be SOLVED NOW.” How much is enough? The only unique thing about this chapter of the anti-White’s relentless pursuit of our eternal demise, Europid white genocide, is they are forcing a third world, “refugee” population on us. The means may have been shifted slightly, but not the anti-Whites’ intent to fracture, marginalize and destroy us.

The motive, means and intent have been clearly defined – then and now. UN resolution 260, articles II and III, say this is an international crime, listing nothing about any ethnic group having been excluded as potential victims. International law is simply that, transcending borders, and it’s serious business.

However, displacing Europeans is not enough. Today, the DEMAND is made daily for our children to not only accept, but to intermarry with those tens of millions of non-whites from every non-white country and those immigrants may only hail from non-white countries.

Think I am off base? Submit to these ‘Politically Correct’, neo-American designs or you are a racistwhitesupremacistwhowantstodeportpedro.

Where’s that “humane transfer” when Europid Whites need it?

#JusticeForDesirae & #JusticeForJessica – #Diversity is BURNING down White children

sound of silence

#TrayvonMartin and #GeorgeZimmerman, #MikeBrown and #DarrenWilson, #FreddieGray and #BaltimorePD, #TonyRobinson and #MattKenny, and the storied list of “Racist on Black murder” goes on and on. Pretty much anyone who watches national or local news has heard these names. The coverage is seemingly non-stop.

Two names you probably haven’t heard are Jessica Chambers and Desirae Jones. Jessica Chambers was burned alive after having gasoline poured down her throat on December 6, 2014 shortly before her 20th birthday. The FBI assumed responsibility for the case after more than a month of what appeared to be inactivity on the Panola County Sheriff Department’s part. The case has subsequently gone cold and nary a mention has been made of this horrific crime in wikipedia, the all “inclusive” online repository of data. Less than two weeks later, fifteen year-old Desirae Jones perished after becoming victim to a very similar fate during a burning death in Bremen, IN. Desirae’s burning death didn’t make the cut at wikicrappia either. However, ALL of the hashtag ‘Black Saints’ did retain honorable mentions. So, why the glaringly obvious double standard?

Both victims were Europid White, female teenagers. Both victims’ bodies were found in wooded locations. Both victims were killed with fire. Both victims were killed shortly after the Mike Brown fiery riots in St. Louis, MO. Both victims were killed shortly after Louis Farrakhan green-lighted killing two whites for every one dead black in his Thanksgiving “Killing Whites is Justice” tirade. Both victims’ killers are still on the loose.

It doesn’t stop here, people. There are countless names of Whites who have perished as a result of anti-White burning deaths and other anti-White terrorism, both before and after these two tragic occurrences. There is an endless list of anti-Europid White terror victims, all of whom ‘get the silence’. Eric Holder didn’t bother to visit Panola or Bremen and don’t hold your breath for Lorett Lynch to even sneeze in either teenager’s direction. While Wall street media and the Department of Justice might choose to remain silent, it doesn’t necessitate willful ignorance or silence on our part.

And this is one of the vanishingly few domains where you are afforded an opportunity to hear about the ongoing, quiet genocide against our once proud people.

I encourage you to join myself and other free speech partners in speaking out while we still can.

#Diversity is BURNING down White children.

The Diversity Mantra



Everybody says there is a RACE problem called “Diversity”. Everybody says this “Diversity Problem” will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says ethnically homogeneous Japan or Taiwan will solve its “Diversity Problem” by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this “Diversity Problem” is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was a “Diversity Problem” and this “Diversity Problem” would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about solving a “Diversity Problem”, I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a whitesupremacisthaterwhowantstosendblacksbacktoafrica.

Anti-racists say they are Champions of Diversity. What these anti-whites DEMAND is the genocide of Europid whites.

“Diversity” is chasing down whites.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Got a light?


“The problem with ‘Diversity’ is anti-Whites eventually run out of European children to chase down.” – D. Genseric