Blacking-out Communism

ready for clinton3

Anyone who is anti-German is most certainly anti-White.

Stating the above can literally get you killed if you are powerful enough for your opinion to matter. How do people keep forgetting that World War II was fought over communism?

And why do they routinely forget D-Day and V-E Day made national holidays of an entire generation turning over our future to the communists; to the very people who vowed to destroy our race, the Europid white race?

The Great War wasn’t fought to stop the Holocaust of six million chosen few. It wasn’t fought because of some rusty, old, sunken boats in the Pacific either. It wasn’t fought because of a German and Japanese deficit in natural resources. Nor was it fought over whether or not we’d all be speaking German or whatever other silliness leftists come up with.

Hirohito’s Japan was already at war with the Chicoms by the time Axis powers were fighting to unite AGAINST the Soviet communist threat in Poland (Prussia). Naturally, it was a no-brainer for Hitler and Mussolini to partner with Nationalist Japan.

Nobody ever offers a reasonable solution for WHY Germania’s lightning-fast blitzkrieg worked. “Shock and awe.” Blah blah blah…. Warfare, like electricity, often takes the path of least resistance. Nobody ever points to how almost ALL of Europe laid down arms when the ‘Evil German Army’ lazily rolled through town. Hitler had already convinced Europa he could win and that he was right. His hate-crime, that is the crime he is hated for, was falling for the double-cross and losing in the end.

What’s truly puzzling to this writer is how every generation since, especially the weakest one, blacked out that FDR had America enter a war to effectively hand over a third of the world, the white race, to the Communists. Look what Mommy Professor ruling the universe got us. A 73% loss in our third share of the human population.

Recently, and shortly after my piece on the genocide of 14 million Germans was published, the BBC defied the Board of Broadcasting Governors (BBG) and posted the video near the bottom of this page, which charges the allies with genocide. It charges them with a genocide that was never punished.

The grandson of a U.S. Confederate Colonel and WWII Army Commander, General George S. Patton, later admitted the U.S. had fought for the wrong side. And some have even speculated he was assassinated because of this admission in Europe. In 1945 Patton wrote to his wife:

“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is ‘Liberty, then give me death.’ I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”

“Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist. It’s said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed.”

People are STILL, to this very day, astonished to learn Teddy Kennedy was overtly working with the KGB. These same Americans are STILL, to this very day, surprised to learn that the Clinton administration publicly entertained and then sold classified missile guidance technology to China. And the ‘politically correct’ among us are STILL, to this very day, appalled to hear someone call the ongoing program waged against our people what it truly is, white genocide.

But, not me.

And something tells me General Patton wouldn’t be baffled by the painful simplicity of it all, either.

I have a dream


Do you have a dream?

Last night I discovered I have a dream…

I have a dream that one day our women and children walk safely wherever they may go, whenever or however they may travel.

I have a dream that one day Europeans speak freely again, and with each other.

I have a dream, and in that dream, our people share in sociopolitical activity.

I have a dream where Europid Whites again enjoy the inalienable right to freedom and self determination.

I have a dream where our people practice freedom of association. They practice it professionally, personally, and on purpose.

I have a dream, and it is a daring dream, my dear friends, because in that dream our people enjoy free speech again.

I have a dream that Europid Whites of every variety have the inalienable right to defend themselves against ALL enemies who threaten them.

I have a dream that one day our people are free from the shackles of indentured servitude – an imposed, crippling, national debt and mortgage usury.

I have a dream where our South Afrikaner and Boer brothers and sisters, and their children are no longer burned and boiled alive, raped, murdered, or tortured and die. In that dream, they no longer fear the dark and cowardly anti-Whites who lurk in midnight shadows.

I have a dream where our children no longer commit suicide; free from the psychological chains of FORCED “Diversity” and Europid white genocide.

I have a dream that one day European children are afforded an education free from the tyrannical Holy Anti-White Church of Political Correctness and its tenets of “Mulitculturalism, Inclusion, Normalization, Diversity & Tolerance”.

I have a dream we will abolish the international crime of forced-immigration and forced-assimilation in every white nation.

I have a dream that each and every white countryside on the face of the Earth is free from the perils of genocide.

I have a dream where one day:

Our children run free
The lakes and rivers are clean
Parks are free from debris
City centers remove graffiti
We become smoke and smog-free
And celebrate European community

I have a dream of a new world dear friends – and in that familiar new world – we fear not, flee not, walk tall, and smile at each other again. And in that dream my fellow Americans, our collective silence finds a voice and reaches the fever pitch of a chorus; one heart beat beating for justice and an unquenchable thirst for righteousness. In that dream we talk with one another, brothers and sisters. In that dream, my friend, I see these warmhearted good deeds happen every time.

I have a dream for our children and our posterity.

Will you dare to dream with me?

White #AntiWhites are #SICK because they fight for #WhiteGenocide

I work with someone whose antiWhite

Diversity = White Genocide & Anti-White Self-Hatred = SICK

I can’t believe how many people would rather guess “Will Genseric get 6 million views” or wonder about how I know we will make more than 500 million mantra media impressions this year than they would Bob’s point about anti-White self-hatred.

Someone got it. Well… almost.

I believe the genesis of The Sickness was: one became infected with the Holy Anti-White Church of Political Correctness’ spiritual sickness; Mommy Professor learned to ‘hate thyself’; he went forth and taught that All Good Shepherds shall ‘learn to hate thy neighbor’ (in accordance with The Golden Rule); their neighbors reciprocated and we became Blessed with liberal amounts of “Diversity”, “Tolerance”, and “Love” in EVERY white country and ONLY in white countries.* How did something so sick become so normalized and mainstream?

It’s so simple, and we all learned this basic moral growing up, “You must learn the difference between opposites; good and evil; right and wrong; day and night; darkness and light; love and hate.” However, we have been lead astray, spiritually and morally. I believe were Jesus alive today, he would agree that any medieval program pledging to pay for “Love” with the sacrifice of 800 million people is rooted in pure evil and hatred.

The UN says that systematic psychological warfare aimed at damaging the mental welfare of any ethnicity is not only part and parcel of genocide, it is genocide. The blue helmets and the International Criminal Court are legally accurate on this point. It just so happens that the victims are Europid Whites.

Spiritual Sickness begets self hatred. Self-hatred begets a genocidal lust for racial ”Diversity”. Anti-White ”Diversity” begets Europid White genocide.

Spiritual Sickness = Self Hatred = ”Diversity” = White Genocide

Never yield to the anti-Europid White establishment.

Anti-White self-hatred is sick.

I love someone whose antiWhite

#TheNewColossus: A Public Disservice Announcement – #WhiteGenocide

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It’s hard not to take what @timjacobwise and @UnFairCampaign did at @UMDBulldogs in 2012 extra personally. From the anti-Eurpoid White billboards littering the Duluth roadside to the educational forums they held to ‘Encourage a Discussion On Race’ to the 30-second promo video. They filmed, cut, promoted and funded all of this nonsense right in my own back yard.

Sometimes it can be hard to see exactly what a promotion or text is attempting to achieve. “What’s the message? All the glitz and glamour; the politically correct pomp and circumstance; it’s making it hard to decipher.”

Videos and campaigns such as UMD and the Unfair Campaign’s PSA (public service announcement) are truly nothing more than a PDA (Public Disservice Announcement), a welcome mat – if you will – for every non-white and ONLY non-whites to move into a given target area. What normal white person would view that PSA and say, “Golly Gee, Duluth sounds like a great place to raise a family?” No more white children, not for Duluth. No, siree Bob. That will be the new net outcome.

But, non-whites? Now, that’s a different story. Non-Whites simply drool over this brand of social-engineering. This represents an opportunity for them to knock down some big bucks while they attempt to paint our children right out of the picture. However, the silence was heard. The message is clear, “Duluth is Ready for FORCED, massive non-Europid white immigration.”

The New Colossus (the anti-White establishment) quietly whispers, “Give me your tired, your poor… Just so long as they increase diversity.”

From America to Europe and South Africa, they are trying to REPLACE our children, our posterity.

“Diverse” means formerly White.

That IS a genocide of Europid Whites.

#JayZ & #Beyonce – Rendering material aid to #antiWhite terrorists?

jay z beyonce donations

The Liberal, anti-White blog referred to provincially as “Raw Story” is renowned for its penchant for embellishing the truth with an eye toward defaming, demoralizing, and marginalizing Europid Whites. Raw Story’s latest blog entry from today had an all-too-familiar inflection possessing it.

Apparently, in’s anti-White, ‘Bizarro world’ my pointing out how criminal it is to be rendering material aid to domestic terrorists is “negative”. By contrast, they believe that what Beyonce and Jay Z did was “a positive” in bailing them out of jail:

    “…However, with every positive reaction comes a negative reaction as Twitter trolls trashed the couple for their support of protesters, calling them “thugs” and “anti-white…”

    “#JayZ & #Beyonce are the trash we thought they were, bailing out #antiWhite #THUGS in #baltimoreriot.#tcot #ccot #p2,” wrote @DanielGenseric, whose Twitter page bio claims he is fighting “#whitegenocide.”

So, I did a little digging. Come to find out, rendering material aid to domestic anti-White terrorists, whatever color they may be, appears to be in direct violation of ‘18 US Code § 2332D‘ of the Patriot Act, to wit:

    “The amendment added a further condition which allowed an interception order to be carried out. The interception order may now be made if a criminal violation is made with respect to terrorism (defined by 18 U.S.C. § 2332):…

  • providing financial aid [before or after] to facilitate acts of terrorism (defined by 18 U.S.C. § 2332d), or
  • providing material support to terrorists (defined by 18 U.S.C. § 2339A),…”

It appears that Shawn Corey Carter (stage name “Jay Z”) and his wife Beyonce Giselle Knowles-Carter did, by definition, render material aid to anti-White terrorists participating in the Baltimore, Ferguson and other riots targeting quote RACIST unquote police officers. Mature adults understand that “racist” means White or European in The Holy Church of Politically Correctness, which currently permeates our society. Interestingly, the series of tweets confessing to this federal crime have since been deleted after my calling them on the red carpet about their terrorist-minded shenanigans.

However, my guess is these two Royal anti-Whites will get off scot-free. After all, we have been bestowed with the monumental blessing of embracing a rabid, militant, black U.S. attorney general and their President.

#JusticeForDesirae & #JusticeForJessica – #Diversity is BURNING down White children

sound of silence

#TrayvonMartin and #GeorgeZimmerman, #MikeBrown and #DarrenWilson, #FreddieGray and #BaltimorePD, #TonyRobinson and #MattKenny, and the storied list of “Racist on Black murder” goes on and on. Pretty much anyone who watches national or local news has heard these names. The coverage is seemingly non-stop.

Two names you probably haven’t heard are Jessica Chambers and Desirae Jones. Jessica Chambers was burned alive after having gasoline poured down her throat on December 6, 2014 shortly before her 20th birthday. The FBI assumed responsibility for the case after more than a month of what appeared to be inactivity on the Panola County Sheriff Department’s part. The case has subsequently gone cold and nary a mention has been made of this horrific crime in wikipedia, the all “inclusive” online repository of data. Less than two weeks later, fifteen year-old Desirae Jones perished after becoming victim to a very similar fate during a burning death in Bremen, IN. Desirae’s burning death didn’t make the cut at wikicrappia either. However, ALL of the hashtag ‘Black Saints’ did retain honorable mentions. So, why the glaringly obvious double standard?

Both victims were Europid White, female teenagers. Both victims’ bodies were found in wooded locations. Both victims were killed with fire. Both victims were killed shortly after the Mike Brown fiery riots in St. Louis, MO. Both victims were killed shortly after Louis Farrakhan green-lighted killing two whites for every one dead black in his Thanksgiving “Killing Whites is Justice” tirade. Both victims’ killers are still on the loose.

It doesn’t stop here, people. There are countless names of Whites who have perished as a result of anti-White burning deaths and other anti-White terrorism, both before and after these two tragic occurrences. There is an endless list of anti-Europid White terror victims, all of whom ‘get the silence’. Eric Holder didn’t bother to visit Panola or Bremen and don’t hold your breath for Lorett Lynch to even sneeze in either teenager’s direction. While Wall street media and the Department of Justice might choose to remain silent, it doesn’t necessitate willful ignorance or silence on our part.

And this is one of the vanishingly few domains where you are afforded an opportunity to hear about the ongoing, quiet genocide against our once proud people.

I encourage you to join myself and other free speech partners in speaking out while we still can.

#Diversity is BURNING down White children.

Who is paying for “Diversity”?

diversity doesnt pay

From social welfare programs for illegal immigrants and “refugees” to in-state tuition, and section 8 housing, jobs that “Americans just won’t do”, to taxpayer-funded foreign aid for everyone. Anti-whites say and do literally anything in an attempt to justify the latest and darkest chapter of their beloved Holy Church of Political Correctness’ bible.

What’s more than that is the continuous presupposition that non-White countries “have always been Diverse” and that Europid White countries are constantly battling a “Diversity Problem” or atoning for “White Privilege” – as long as our share of the population is greater than 0%. So, we see that, in the end, the condition of being “Diverse” can only be achieved when all traces of whiteness have been eradicated. We know this because the gospel according to Timothy in the Holy Bible of Political Correctness and a cursory examination of Detroit’s current condition tells us so.

Furthermore, if we are to believe the politically correct narrative that racial “Diversity” is “Our greatest strength”, how did 6 billion non-Europeans get their mission statements “wrong”? And why is “Diversity”, i.e. massive immigration and assimilation only FORCED on soon-to-be formerly majority White countries?

Why should millennials allow baby boomers and remnants of “The Greatest Generation” to continue US domestic and foreign policy insanity by perpetually subsidizing the third world with our children’s future, i.e. pledging future taxpayer dollars and sacrificing our military’s human resources ad infinitum?

Take a quick look at where your tax dollars are going and what promises have been made in the name of the “Diversification” of the Europid race:

“Currently, at least 18 states have provisions allowing for in-state tuition rates for undocumented students. Sixteen states—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Washington—extend in-state tuition rates to undocumented students through state legislation.”

“Most refugee agencies know to call their local housing authorities to find out about the availability of Section 8 vouchers…”

“Organizations like Lutheran Family Services (and Catholic Charities) profit enormously from the Federal government handling these refugees.”

“In fiscal year 2012, the U.S. government allocated the following amounts for aid:
Total economic and military assistance: $48.4 billion
Total military assistance: $17.2 billion
Total economic assistance: $31.2 billion
of which, USAID assistance: $11.75 billion.[1]
U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants (Greenbook), “Program and Account Reports”. Accessed April 4, 2014. [1]
In fiscal year 2013, 50.6 Billion dollars.”

*Foreign aid interactive map

“The mayor of Athens, Georgia, who asked for the same type of report last year, encountered the same blackout of information…”

“…St. Cloud, Minnesota, residents have also inquired about how many more Somali refugees will be arriving in light of recent problems with Somali student protests at a local community college.”

But no one is getting any information. Is your city on the list?

“WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — Despite the unemployment rate plummeting, more than 92 million Americans remain out of the labor force.”

“Now multiply that $14,000 by the 5 million illegal immigrants we might grant amnesty, and we’re out a mere $70 billion.” [sic]

“Over their lifetimes, these provisional legal aliens will receive more than $9.4 trillion in government benefits, while paying about $3.1 trillion in taxes, based on an earlier study by Rector. Eventually, that sucking sound will become a roar.”

To answer the question of “What is the problem?” is really quite simple. Biology continues to prove that European Americans and Native Americans, as in the case of any non-White country, were already diverse before Liberals and their respectable conservative enablers took the reigns and opened up the floodgates to the third world in order to solve some mythical, socially-constructed “race problem” and/or a “diversity problem”. When anti-Whites utter such nonsense, it is plain for anyone with a partially functioning cerebral cortex to comprehend that both phrases refer to a perception that 8-9% of the world population being White is a real problem, for them. Anti-Whites have invented these problems themselves and, in effect, underwritten the genocide of Europid Whites.

It’s so obvious that even some non-Whites are beginning to wonder, “Why so anti-White, white man?

The Diversity Mantra



Everybody says there is a RACE problem called “Diversity”. Everybody says this “Diversity Problem” will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says ethnically homogeneous Japan or Taiwan will solve its “Diversity Problem” by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this “Diversity Problem” is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was a “Diversity Problem” and this “Diversity Problem” would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about solving a “Diversity Problem”, I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a whitesupremacisthaterwhowantstosendblacksbacktoafrica.

Anti-racists say they are Champions of Diversity. What these anti-whites DEMAND is the genocide of Europid whites.

“Diversity” is chasing down whites.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.