Blacking-out Communism

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Anyone who is anti-German is most certainly anti-White.

Stating the above can literally get you killed if you are powerful enough for your opinion to matter. How do people keep forgetting that World War II was fought over communism?

And why do they routinely forget D-Day and V-E Day made national holidays of an entire generation turning over our future to the communists; to the very people who vowed to destroy our race, the Europid white race?

The Great War wasn’t fought to stop the Holocaust of six million chosen few. It wasn’t fought because of some rusty, old, sunken boats in the Pacific either. It wasn’t fought because of a German and Japanese deficit in natural resources. Nor was it fought over whether or not we’d all be speaking German or whatever other silliness leftists come up with.

Hirohito’s Japan was already at war with the Chicoms by the time Axis powers were fighting to unite AGAINST the Soviet communist threat in Poland (Prussia). Naturally, it was a no-brainer for Hitler and Mussolini to partner with Nationalist Japan.

Nobody ever offers a reasonable solution for WHY Germania’s lightning-fast blitzkrieg worked. “Shock and awe.” Blah blah blah…. Warfare, like electricity, often takes the path of least resistance. Nobody ever points to how almost ALL of Europe laid down arms when the ‘Evil German Army’ lazily rolled through town. Hitler had already convinced Europa he could win and that he was right. His hate-crime, that is the crime he is hated for, was falling for the double-cross and losing in the end.

What’s truly puzzling to this writer is how every generation since, especially the weakest one, blacked out that FDR had America enter a war to effectively hand over a third of the world, the white race, to the Communists. Look what Mommy Professor ruling the universe got us. A 73% loss in our third share of the human population.

Recently, and shortly after my piece on the genocide of 14 million Germans was published, the BBC defied the Board of Broadcasting Governors (BBG) and posted the video near the bottom of this page, which charges the allies with genocide. It charges them with a genocide that was never punished.

The grandson of a U.S. Confederate Colonel and WWII Army Commander, General George S. Patton, later admitted the U.S. had fought for the wrong side. And some have even speculated he was assassinated because of this admission in Europe. In 1945 Patton wrote to his wife:

“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is ‘Liberty, then give me death.’ I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”

“Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist. It’s said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed.”

People are STILL, to this very day, astonished to learn Teddy Kennedy was overtly working with the KGB. These same Americans are STILL, to this very day, surprised to learn that the Clinton administration publicly entertained and then sold classified missile guidance technology to China. And the ‘politically correct’ among us are STILL, to this very day, appalled to hear someone call the ongoing program waged against our people what it truly is, white genocide.

But, not me.

And something tells me General Patton wouldn’t be baffled by the painful simplicity of it all, either.

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