The Anti-White War Machine

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When anti-White “Diversity” supremacists say “We need ‘More Diversity” sane people understand this as the demand for less Whites that it certainly is. After all, a neighborhood , business, etc… can only obtain “Diversity” once it becomes formerly Europid White. The screams for “More diversity!” only cease once Whites are a minority in their own neighborhoods. Then the edict comes down in whole cities and finally in our now-formerly-majority-White nations.

When anti-Whites say we need Racial Equality we know the anti-whites from academia and industry mean preferential treatment for non-white applicants.

When they say we need to ‘Discuss’ immigration reform or criminal amnesty we know they are preparing to FORCE millions of non-White immigrant voters on every White country and only on White countries. Again, theirs is a formula whose product is always, positively, absolutely ZERO WHITE CHILDREN.

Let’s set that aside for a moment.

When anti-Whites say we need Less Racism at hockey games, European football matches, and other sporting events we know they mean they are demanding that White students and fans “Need to shut the hell up” lest they find themselves expelled and their parents financially ruined and fans blackballed. Clearly, free speech was designed by our founding fathers for all Americans (of other than European descent).

When the anti-whites scream for “Tolerance!” and push White Privilege Conferences in our faces we know they mean that European American women must prove they are “anti-racist” by shacking up with the nearest non-white male and producing a child who is as disgusted with himself as the rest of society is. And evilracistwhitemen had better “wise up and follow suit” as well. The war machine’s simple yet sophisticated design produces more and more and more anti-Europid white zombies.

When they say they are quote Anti-Racists Fighting For ALL of Humanity unquote, we know they always and conveniently forget about White children and their interests and communities. What these social engineering monsters and their machinations really are is anti-white.

When ‘Diversity & Inclusion Professionals (DIPs)’ say they want to solve a RACE problem (racism, diversity, equality, etc…) we know they mean The White Problem. We now know they are pushing White genocide. The absolute solution to the problem of RACE is the elimination of the Europid white race.

Duluth, MN had been marked on the anti-whites’ map as the next Detroit. Not in my back yard, anti-White scum. No how; No way.

The Holy Anti-White Church of Political Correctness and its anti-White establishment has a few cardinal rules:

The first rule of White genocide is “You do not talk about White genocide.”
The second rule of White genocide is “You do NOT talk about White genocide!”

Got mantra?
Get it? Got it? Good.

Anti-racist is a code-word for anti-white

The #NRA, #Teachers and White #Schools?


White schools, White teachers, white students… White WOMEN, you’re next. This #Diversity train doesn’t stop after chasing down White men.

“The NRA’s proposal of posting an armed guard at every school is absurd.” – Mommy Professor

“The NRA wants to put a police officer in front of every school. That’s just nuts.” – Chuck Schumer

“How are we going to fund this program? We’re broke; we’re out of money” – Bill O’Reilly

Naturally, the Sandy Hook massacre triggered emotional responses from parents on both ends of the political spectrum. Right on cue anti-whites rushed in to say “The only way to solve these problems of massacres is with less guns.” Wayne LaPierre of the NRA jumped out in front and said that “The only way to stop bad guys with guns is a good guy with a gun.” They made it their mission to take the torch and secure ALL schools, once and for all, while the left shamelessly used the massacre as fuel to wage war on a largely white, law-abiding population. And what about the latest string of threats against White students in majority black schools in Florida?

As usual, they make no mention of disarming these anti-White criminals.

Conventional Wisdom and Political Correctness went further on CNN saying, “Not so fast, RACISTS. We ALREADY HAVE armed guards and police officers in the schools that need them.”

You could almost see the audience raise a collective eyebrow. Their sense of self preservation helped them exercise their ‘right to remain silent’.

How come these school massacres seem to have a knack for occurring in predominantly white schools?

Why is it that armed guards and police officers are “already in place where they need to be” when schools are “under threat” from gang-related activity? Does gang-related activity now include white gangs? Will it ever? When was the last time a massacre like Sandy Hook or Columbine took place in a predominantly non-white school? So, why are non-white schools more important to secure?

Simply put, Mommy Professor DEMANDED that white schools remain unprotected because she cannot see a future which includes white children. Her anti-White religion dictates that she has no obligation to do so. In fact, she and The Holy Anti-White Church of Political Correctness won’t allow for the security of our posterity. The high priestess and his anti-White minions have spoken.

The following is a list of ten questions that can render you victim of anti-White socioeconomic terror:

  1. Are lawyers and defendants in courtrooms, doctors and patients in hospitals, pilots and passengers on airplanes, athletes and sports sports fans in athletic stadiums, congress and staffers on capitol hill, and merchants and consumers in the Mall of America really more important than our children?
  2. Why don’t we hear anyone talking about removing police and contract security from those institutions? Where was the public outcry when these security measures were implemented?
  3. If the goal is to keep our children “shielded from evil guns”, are children not allowed in airplanes, courtrooms, stadiums, malls or hospitals?
  4. I’m hearing about “violating the culture of education with armed guards.” Air marshals travel on airplanes. What about ‘school marshals’ or a silent security? Restoring our teachers’ right to carry and protect themselves would effectively make this exercise both random and anonymous by nature.
  5. Why does the anti-White school system dictate that OUR  children remain ear-marked for terrorism?
  6. How do we disarm people who have no regard for the rule of law?
  7. The experts who are consulted to deal with a problem seem to qualify by being the very people who made oversights in the first place. Why should we continue to accept that from quote experts unquote?
  8. Criminals will continue to gain access to guns unless we devise a plan for melting down absolutely, positively 100% of the firearms on the face of the Earth. Has such a plan been drafted and is that even realistic?
  9. When will Europid White teachers’ access to their second amendment rights be restored?
  10. When will liberals put their egos aside and agree to stop discriminating against Europid WHITE children and their right to a safe learning environment?

The day anti-white European Americans begin concerning themselves with the safety of OUR children, our teachers, and our women is the day they become non-white.

Diverse means formerly White.


Higher-Education-Bubble-Part-1 Many BUGSters have attended Bob Whitaker’s Saturday night PalTalk forum formally known as ‘Fight White Genocide.’ Prior to that project, Bob took to the interweb airwaves to tackle Professor Dean Scharf at his International Criminal MOOC conference on March 21, 2014. Bob, true to form, wasted no time and politely jabbed that the Good Professor had wandered outside of his university castle walls. I never laughed so hard as I did at the Sharf moderator’s inaudible shriek of horror upon her realizing the implications of this obvious oversight.

Traditional Brick & Mortar Universities are collapsing under their own leviathan-like weight and bloated tuition fees. Google University and 24/7/365 instant access to The Political Priest Class’ Chained Book hasn’t helped The Holy Anti-White Church of Political Correctness’ “cause” one iota either. From old timey, leftist, anti-Europid propaganda all the way to pro-White philosophy and BUGS – for the first time in history you have the world at the tips of your fingers. Never has the universe felt so small for so many.

Electronics giant Best Buy, Target, Radio Shack and others are still downsizing as they are continually crushed by Amazon’s virtual marketplace. In an effort to quell their bloodletting Household heavyweights Target Corp. and Walmart are now offering “Me Too” free shipping to online shoppers. Customers have spoken and their demands were heard. Wider variety, cost comparisons, shopping from the comfort of your home, instant access to inventory, automatically generated lead times, frequently free shipping and many times no sales tax, an Ebola-free environment, and the list goes on.

Similar to the case of consumers, internet users are gaining access to information on the ‘net that no institution would DARE let inside their castle walls, and at an alarming rate. Just take Bob’s revolutionary Underground Graduate Seminar for example. Practical politics has never witnessed such a daring and dedicated group. BUGS routinely proves it is downright deadly to the anti-white establishment and makes no apologies about it. In fact, many have the death threats on file to prove it. The best part about this groundswell of activity is the anti-White THUGS can’t get to us on the web.

However, there is one thing college can offer young hopefuls and neo-yuppies right now that they can’t get online. They can sell you an ever-increasing and exorbitantly expensive certificate with mommy professor’s fancy calligraphy and her congregation’s patented, gold embossed logo. Although, I just learned that ebay has started selling do-it-yourself college degree kits. Perhaps that formality is on its way out too as “higher education” is no longer the acme or hallmark of intelligence. I guess it is true that “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.”

So, free thought is on the horizon and on the heels of the education bubble.

My fear is we won’t be able to tell each other apart once it finally bursts and the tidal wave of “Pro-Whites” washes ashore.

PartOne      PartTwo